Network engineers configure routers and switches. To do this, they need to practice on the platforms that they will configure. If they do not practice before any need, this can be difficult for them. So, before working on a real router or switch, network engineers practice on different network simulation programs. If you are a Cisco engineer, or you are configuring cisco, then you should practice on Cisco devices earlier. And the easiest way to do this is using packet tracer.
Packet Tracer is important network simulation program that is especially popular between entry level network engineers and ccna 200-301 candidates. Network students can use packet tracer to create different network topologies and practice on them as they are real networks. With different packet tracer labs, users can practice on Cisco routers and Cisco switches with packet tracer. These packet tracer labs are like real labs. The Cisco IOS are similar to real one. The only difference is in details. Packet tracer router do not cover all the commands. But it covers enough command for a beginner and a senior network engineer, network administrator.
So, what can you do with this simulation program? Basically, you can take a router, a switch and a couple of host devices to create your topology. With this topology, you can start to configure Cisco router, cisco switch and host devices. You can create any topology that can be created with available router and switches in this packet tracer simulation program.
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To understand better, let’s give a special example to packet tracer labs. As a network engineer, you will learn DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). And as a network configuration engineer, sometimes you need to configure a router as DHCP server. On packet tracer, you can practice this scenerios with a router and host devices. You can configure a Cisco router as DHCP server and do the tracer router configuration. With this configuration, you understand this network concept better.
Think about that. There is a program that you can practice Cisco DHCP Server configuration on it. This is packet tracer. Packet Tracer is a program with which you can do network configurations as they are real network.
To gain hand on experience on Cisco before any network certification exam or to gain experience before your real job, you can practice with various packet tracer labs on this amazing simulation program. Packet tracer is not a simulation program only, but a useful tool for an entry level network engineer who can practice on and gain Cisco hands one experience.